
Sunday, September 02, 2007

Fiona loves climbing walls!

One hot day...

On our way to Wisconsin for our annual family vacation, we stopped to see some friends. This day on the playground was unbearably hot!

FIona and Henry

My friend has a little boy, and Fiona was enjoying being a "big sister"

The typical Fiona goofy face in front of the camera


We took Fiona to have her haircut. It turned out much shorter than what I asked, but Fiona really likes it.

Fiona and her baby Anna

We took Fiona to the American Doll store in Chicago. OMG! I would not really call it a store. It is really more of a museum. I had no idea what an empire the American Girl company has created. Fiona thought we needed to take Anna with us almost everywhere.

A Grandmother and her Granddaughter...

Is there anything as special as a grandparent and their grandchild? Fiona is enjoying spending time in the big city with grandma Robin.

Pigs in Seattle, now Dresses in Chicago...

Fiona, my mom, and I went to Chicago in early August. Along Michigan Avenue, there were several amazing dresses on display.